The House of McBroom
On 2 July 2023, Bobby David McBroom left this reality for the next to join his mother, Doris, his Father, David, and grandmother, Emily (Mama Jones) in the bosom of Jesus Christ, his Lord. He died suddenly at home after a short illness this summer from declining health.
Of Scottish and English clan decent going back many generations, Bobby leaves his daughters (eldest), Suzwella McBroom Martin of Gatesville, TX and Kimberly Kaye McBroom Limon, and a host of relatives and grandchildren: Robert Horton Bacon (R.J.), Destiny Faye Adams, Lukas Ray Martin, Marisa Limon of Florida, Zeke Limon of Saginaw, Jadin Limon of Ft. Worth. As well, extended Family of Azle and Spring Town, TX; Madison, Alabama; San Francisco, CA; Fort Worth, TX, Sandy, Utah, Beaufort NC.
Bobby McBroom was a member of the United States Navy, having arrived into this family of Military Veterans on 17 November 1945. Bobby served his country with great honor and gratitude. As well, Bobby was a faithful brother to his fraternity of Shriners and worked to provide means to those who could not afford medical treatment. Through Shriners and Shriner’s Children he was a part of the bigger good to help those in need. His activities and volunteer work was continuous as well as his commitment to help students and higher education. He was a proud and outspoken member of the Freemasons letting his light shine upon a hill.
He was widowed by his faithful wife, Melinda and spent years of work and retirement after his military service as a freight trucking company owner, a pilot, and a continuous student of mathematics.
Bobby leaves many friends and extended family. He was a wonderful father and uncle, a comedic kidder, and all-round happy person who blessed many lives while on this Earth. He is with God and blessed, and will be dearly missed by his family and friends. He was the kind of person that was a friend always to the least of these. His ability to connect with children and youth and brighten holidays with love and cheer was a strong genetic trait.
Teaching youth of the family to drive, demonstrating flying his planes, making G's in the sky, worrying mothers with his adventures, and always willing to travel the roads of work and pleasure, all demonstrate the man that he was and his faith based principals: when much is given, much is expected. Bobby lived these core values.
Any treasures he shored up in this life, he knew it was for others to make them shine.
Bobby David McBroom, was truly the Renaissance Man for his family. He stayed humble and helpful until he could no longer.
He will be so missed and loved forever.