Jailyne Katalina Pargas
January 19, 2020 June 12, 2020
Jailyne Katalina Pargas , returned to her Heavenly Father, after residing with her earthly parents and family for four months. Katita, as she was called, was born to Omar Torres Pargas and Paola Itzel Castelan on January 19, 2020.
Katita was a sweet little angel, always smiling, and showing off her most beautiful eyes. Those eyes would bring that special light for all to see and rejoice. She taught what heavenly love is all about in her very own way.
Katita’s earthly family are her parents, big brother, Matteo Pargas, grandparents; Victor Hugo and Miriam Castelan and Isreal and Irene Pargas, uncles, Jose Castelan, Christian Pargas, Eduardo Pargas and Arturo Pargas. And many other family and friends.
Through her grace Katita improved the lives of two, three year old children.
Pray for us sweet
Angel of God.