Matilde Pérez Hernández, 41 años, de McGregor, falleció el Domingo 27 de Diciembre de 2020.
La familia recibirá visitantes entre las 6-8 pm el Lunes 4 de Enero en OakCrest Funeral Home,
4520 Bosque Boulevard, con un Rosario empezando a las 7 pm. La Misa de Entierro Cristiano
se celebrará a las 11 am el Martes 5 de Enero en la Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón con
el Padre Benjie como celebrante, el entierro seguirá en el cementerio de McGregor en
McGregor, Tx.
Matilde nació el 14 de Abril de 1979, en un pequeño rancho llamado Las Anonas, Tejupilco,
Estado de México, sus padres Don Jesús Pérez y Dona Daria Hernandez ambos de México.
Ella era una amorosa hija y hermana, esposa, madre y tía. Matilde era una persona cariñosa,
humilde y siempre trató de ayudar a los necesitados. Ella era una cocinera increíble de
auténtica comida mexicana. Le encantaba bailar junto a su familia, su favorito eran los
zapateados. Ella siempre estaba sonriendo y tenía una actitud positiva hacia la vida.
Matilde es precedida en la muerte por su padre, Don Jesús Pérez junto a los abuelos paternos
y maternos.
Le sobreviven su esposo de 25 años Angel Averlado; 3 hijas, Angela, Brianna y Leslie de
McGregor; madre, Daria Hernandez de Mexico; hermanos y hermanas, Fidel Perez de Mexico,
Jesus Perez y esposa, Rosemary de Waco, Genaro Perez y esposa, Aurora, Alfonso Perez y
esposa, Gricelda, Edubiges Perez y esposa, Soledad, y Marlene Perez todos de Garland,
Candelaria Perez y esposo, Jose de Dallas, Humberto Benitez y esposa, Tomasa of Mcgregor;
Sobrinos y Sobrinas, Jesus, Jr., Miguel y Serena Perez de Waco, Illse, Kenia y Daniela Perez de
Mexico, Osman, Jonathan, Hayley y Joseph Tavera de Dallas, Josue Perez y esposa, Maria
Fernanda, Alan Perez y esposa, Kimberly, Alfonso, Jr. Perez, Leslie Perez-Brooks y esposo,
James todos de Garland, Janet Benitez y esposo, Javier of McGregor, Epifanio and Humberto, Jr. Benitez all of McGregor; y Primos del lado del esposo, Don Lucio Salas y Doña Chuy de McGregor (gracias por amarla como a una hija).
Matilde Perez Hernandez, 41, of McGregor passed away Sunday, December 27, 2020. The
family will receive visitors between 6-8 pm on Monday, January 4, at OakCrest Funeral Home,
4520 Bosque Boulevard, with a rosary starting at 7 pm. Mass of Christian Burial will be
celebrated at 11 am, Tuesday, January 5th at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Father Benjie
as Celebrant, burial will follow at McGregor Cemetery in McGregor, Texas.
Matilde was born April 14,1979 in a little ranch called Las Anonas, Tejulipico, Mexico to Sr.
Jesus Perez and Sra. Daria Hernandez, both from Mexico. She was a loving daughter, sister,
wife, mother, and aunt. Matilde was a caring, humble, and loving person who always tried to help
anyone in need. She was an amazing cook of authentic Mexican food. She loved to dance
alongside her family, her favorite was zapateados. She was always smiling and had a positive
attitude towards life.
Matilde was preceded in death by her father, Jesus Perez, along with paternal and maternal
She is survived by her husband of 25 years, Angel Averlado; 3 daughters, Angela, Brianna, and
Leslie of McGregor; mother, Daria Perez of Mexico; brothers and sisters, Fidel Perez of Mexico,
Jesus Perez and wife, Rosemary of Waco, Genaro Perez and wife, Aurora, Alfonso Perez and wife,
Gricelda, Edubiges Perez and wife, Soledad, and Marlene Perez, all of Garland, Candelaria Perez and
husband, Jose of Dallas, Humberto Benitez and wife, Tomasa of McGregor; nephews and nieces,
Jesus, Jr., Miguel and Serena Perez of Waco, Illse, Kenia, and Daniela Perez of Mexico, Osman,
Jonathan, Hayley, and Joseph Tavera of Dallas, Josue Perez and wife, Maria Fernanda, Alan Perez
and wife, Kimberly, Alfonso, Jr. Perez, Leslie Perez-Brooks and husband, James, all of Garland, Janet Benitez and husband, Javier, Epifanio, and Humberto, Jr. Benitez all of McGregor; and Cousins from husband’s side, Don Lucio Salas, and Doña Chuy of McGregor (thanks for loving her like a daughter).